Were you enjoying the silence? Sorry to disturb your serenity. I'll try to type quietly.
I hope you’ve had a good year. I didn’t mean to down tools for a year with respect to my podcast, it just sort of happened. I don’t really have a good answer as to why. Perhaps it was because the world was so noisy I didn’t want to add to it.
I did try recording some new episodes with a new format. Although they were really fun to record, the new format meant editing and my perfectionism got in the way. Of all of my character defects, perfectionism is the most frustrating. Sure perfectionism might have saved my life when I used to do my own car and motorcycle maintenance, but now it stops me from making progress with projects where the biggest risk is some embarrassment.
So this year I want to progress differently. I’m going to make mistooks! 🤪
I will judge this year’s success by the number and size of the mistakes I publish. No mistakes will mean I will have failed in my progress for the year.
It’s not that I want to make any old mistake, just for the sake of it. It’s more about the recognition that the people who make the fewest mistakes, are also the people who achieve the least.
But I still don’t want to just add noise to an already noisy world. I think this feeling of noisiness is because we are failing to connect effectively. I want to support and promote human connection becasue I believe that better connection will lead us to either less noise or a better ability to tune it out.
Publishing post this may be one of my first mistakes of the year!
Love to all,